CSA Week Nine: August 31 – September 5

CSA Week Nine: August 31 – September 5

Sep. 2, 2020 by

Welcome to Week 1 of the Autumn CSA! For those of you who are new to the CSA, we’re so glad to have you joining us. Please feel free to look through previous weeks’ blog posts to learn a little

CSA Week Eight: August 24 – 29

Aug. 26, 2020 by

This week marks the last week of the 8-week Summer CSA season- it’s hard to believe it’s gone so quickly! But while August might be coming to an end, the weather still says summer, and we’re still seeing lots of

Week 6 of CSA

Aug. 14, 2019 by

It’s hard to believe it’s already mid-August! We are seeing a greater variety of crops coming in from the fields, like bell peppers (and hot peppers!), cucumbers, and celery. Plants are continuing to grow, and the corn in our fields