Welcome to CSA Week #4!

Welcome to CSA Week #4!

Jul. 24, 2024 by

This week has brought some much needed rain to the farm, which was much needed considering the extra flurry of activity since the start of CSA.  A new addition to the farm that has been helping increase our efficiency and

Welcome to Week 3 of CSA!

Welcome to Week 3 of CSA!

Jul. 17, 2024 by

My name is Ananya Rao and I’m a student at Bates College interning with New Roots this summer! I’ve loved working with the farmers this summer, and it’s been so amazing to watch the farm begin to bloom with activity

CSA Week 10

CSA Week 10

Sep. 7, 2022 by

Week 10 Happy Week 10/ Week 2 of Autumn CSA! To our CSA holders new and old, how is your experience so far? Let us know in the comments on this post, or over Instagram. We love and appreciate feedback. 

CSA Week 4

CSA Week 4

Jul. 27, 2022 by

Hey everyone, Happy Week 4 of CSA! With heat in the high 80s to low 90s this week, conditions were difficult at the farm. The combination of intense heat with rainfall makes it difficult for crops to mature and stay

CSA Week 2

CSA Week 2

Jul. 13, 2022 by

 Hi everyone! I’m Isabelle, a student from Bates College interning with New Roots this summer. I hope everyone enjoyed their first CSA bag, which featured produce such as garlic scapes, Swiss chard, green onions, and beets. If you weren’t able