CSA Week Three: July 20 – 25
With all this rain, vegetables have been happy- but so have the weeds! Farmers have been busy keeping their fields clean, and we hope that the quality of the veggies coming off the farm reflects that hard work. On some
With all this rain, vegetables have been happy- but so have the weeds! Farmers have been busy keeping their fields clean, and we hope that the quality of the veggies coming off the farm reflects that hard work. On some
Thanks so much to everyone who made the first week of CSA so easy for the farmers! Your messages of appreciation and excitement were such a joy to share out to them, as were your inquiries into the crops you
Hi everyone! It’s that time again- we’re back for another year of the CSA. Hard to believe it’s my fourth year on the job! Watching the way the farmers have developed their skills over those years has been so much
Well, here we are- at the last week of CSA for 2019! I want to wrap up the blog this year with a big THANK YOU for your continued support of the CSA and the New Roots Farmers. It was
Welcome to week 15! This week is the second to last week of the CSA season and with the ending of the season comes to a shift away from fresh, leafy veggies, towards crops that store better. Of course, you’ll